Password ManagerImport & Export

Condition a Bitwarden .csv or .json

This article defines the format you should use when manually conditioning a .csv or .json for import into Bitwarden. This format is identical to that used by .csv or .json files created by exporting your Bitwarden vault.

Make sure that you are using the right format depending on whether you are importing data to your vault or to an organization vault.

Condition a .csv


Bitwarden .csv files will only handle logins and secure notes. If you need to import or export identities and cards as well, use JSON.

.csv for individual vault

Create a UTF-8 encoded plaintext file with the following header as the first line in the file:


For example:

folder,favorite,type,name,notes,fields,reprompt,login_uri,login_username,login_password,login_totp Social,1,login,Twitter,,,0,,,password123, ,,login,EVGA,,,,,,fakepassword,TOTPSEED123 ,,login,My Bank,Bank PIN is 1234,"PIN: 1234",,,john.smith,password123456, ,,note,My Note,"This is a secure note.",,,,,

When importing this file, select Bitwarden (csv) as your file format.

Download sample csv

.csv for organization

Create a UTF-8 encoded plaintext file with the following header as the first line in the file:


For example,

collections,type,name,notes,fields,reprompt,login_uri,login_username,login_password,login_totp "Social,Marketing",login,Twitter,,,0,,,password123, "Finance",login,My Bank,"Bank PIN is 1234","PIN: 1234",0,,john.smith,password123456, "Finance",login,EVGA,,,0,,,fakepassword,TOTPSEED123 "Finance",note,My Note,"This is a secure note.",,0,,,

When importing this file, select Bitwarden (csv) as your file format.

Download sample csv

Minimum required values

You may not have data for all the values shown in the above formats, however most are optional. In order for the Bitwarden .csv importer to function properly, you are only required to have the following values for any given object:

folder,favorite,type,name,notes,fields,reprompt,login_uri,login_username,login_password,login_totp ,,login,Login Name,,,,,, ,,note,Secure Note Name,,,,,,

Condition a .json

.json for individual vault

Create a UTF-8 encoded plaintext file in the following format:

{ "folders": [ { "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "name": "Folder Name" }, ... ], "items": [ { "passwordHistory": [ { "lastUsedDate": "YYYY-MM-00T00:00:00.000Z", "password": "passwordValue" } ], "revisionDate": "YYYY-MM-00T00:00:00.000Z", "creationDate": "YYYY-MM-00T00:00:00.000Z", "deletedDate": null, "id": "yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy", "organizationId": null, "folderId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "type": 1, "reprompt": 0, "name": "My Gmail Login", "notes": "This is my gmail login for import.", "favorite": false, "fields": [ { "name": "custom-field-1", "value": "custom-field-value", "type": 0 }, ... ], "login": { "uris": [ { "match": null, "uri": "" } ], "username": "", "password": "myaccountpassword", "totp": otpauth://totp/my-secret-key }, "collectionIds": null }, ... ] }

When importing this file, select Bitwarden (json) as your file format.

Download sample json

.json for organization

Create a UTF-8 encoded plaintext file in the following format:

{ "collections": [ { "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "organizationId": "yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy", "name": "My Collection", "externalId": null }, ... ], "items": [ { "passwordHistory": [ { "lastUsedDate": "YYYY-MM-00T00:00:00.000Z", "password": "passwordValue" } ], "revisionDate": "YYYY-MM-00T00:00:00.000Z", "creationDate": "YYYY-MM-00T00:00:00.000Z", "deletedDate": null, "id": "vvvvvvvv-vvvv-vvvv-vvvv-vvvvvvvvvvvv", "organizationId": "yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy", "folderId": "zzzzzzzz-zzzz-zzzz-zzzz-zzzzzzzzzzzz", "type": 1, "reprompt": 1, "name": "Our Shared Login", "notes": "A login for sharing", "favorite": false, "fields": [ { "name": "custom-field-1", "value": "custom-field-value", "type": 0 }, ... ], "login": { "uris": [ { "match": null, "uri": "" } ], "username": "", "password": "myaccountpassword", "totp": otpauth://totp/my-secret-key }, "collectionIds": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" }, ... ] }

When importing this file, select Bitwarden (json) as your file format.

Download sample json

Import to existing collections

By conditioning your organization .json file appropriately, you can import new login items to pre-existing collections.

The following example demonstrates the proper format for importing a single item into a pre-existing collection. Note that you will need to:

  • Obtain organization and collection IDs. These can be obtained by navigating to the collection in your web app and pulling them from the address bar (e.g.<organizationId>/vault?collectionId=<collectionId>).

  • Define a "collections": [] array that contains data for the pre-existing collection, including organization and collection IDs (see above) as well as its name. As long as these 3 data points match, a new collection will not be created on import and instead items in the file will be imported to the pre-existing collection.

{ "encrypted": false, "collections": [ { "id": "b8e6df17-5143-495e-92b2-aff700f48ecd", "organizationId": "55d8fa8c-32bb-47d7-a789-af8710f5eb99", "name": "My Existing Collection", "externalId": null } ], "folders": [], "items": [ { "id": "2f27f8f8-c980-47f4-829a-aff801415845", "organizationId": "55d8fa8c-32bb-47d7-a789-af8710f5eb99", "folderId": null, "type": 1, "reprompt": 0, "name": "Item to Import", "notes": "A login item for sharing.", "favorite": false, "login": { "uris": [ { "match": null, "uri": "" } ], "username": "my_username", "password": "my_password", "totp": null }, "collectionIds": ["b8e6df17-5143-495e-92b2-aff700f48ecd"] } ] }

Minimum required key-value pairs

You may not have data for all the key-value pairs shown in the above formats, however most are optional. In order for the Bitwarden .json importer to function properly, you are only required to have the following key-value pairs for each object:

{ "items": [ { "type": 1, "name": "Login Item's Name", "login": {} }, { "type": 2, "name": "Secure Note Item's Name", "secureNote": {} }, { "type": 3, "name": "Card Item's Name", "card": {} }, { "type": 4, "name": "Identity Item's Name", "identity": {} } ] }

The "login":, "secureNote":, "card":, and "identity": objects can be imported as empty objects, however we recommend conditioning files with as much data as you are able.

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